Leadership Team

2024-2025 Ohio District Officers

Kelly Brown, Governor Kiwanis Club of Dayton

Jason Miller, Immediate Past Governor Kiwanis Club of Bowling Green

Marcia Copeland Hudson, Governor-Elect Kiwanis Club of Kettering Centerville

Bob Buescher, District Treasurer Kiwanis Club of Dayton

Robin Gagnow, District Secretary Kiwanis Club of Berea

Mikayla Bisson, District Events Coordinator Kiwanis Club of Northern Columbus

District Officer Contact Form

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Lt. Governors

Julia Martin, Lt. Governor, Division 1N

Tina Seiling, Lt. Governor, Division 1S

Steve Steinbrunner, Lt. Governor, Division 2

John Coffield, Lt. Governor, Division 3

Richard Honneywell, Lt. Governor, Division 4

Mark Haake, Lt. Governor, Division 5 

Wayne Stein, Lt. Governor, Division 6 & 7 

Judy Raub, Lt. Governor, Division 8

Terri Turner, Lt. Governor, Division 9

William O’Malley, Lt. Governor, Division 10E

Keith Deel, Lt. Governor, Division 10S

Jim Shively, Lt. Governor, Division 10W

Rich Rader, Lt. Governor, Division 11N 

Deanna Brant, Lt. Governor, Division 11S

Del Ray Fox, Lt. Governor, Division 12

Carol Burke, Lt. Governor, Division 13

Nancy Andrade, Lt. Governor, Division 14

Hasani Wheat, Lt. Governor, Division 15 

Sandi Elliott, Lt. Governor, Division 16

VACANT, Lt. Governor, Division 17

VACANT, Lt. Governor, Division 18

Jeff Kershaw, Lt. Governor, Division 22

Sheri Phelps, Lt. Governor, Division 24

Doug Falk, Lt. Governor, Division 26

LTG Contact Form

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District Chairs

Aktion Club: Richard Brulotte
Builders Club Chair: Robert Day Jr.
Budget: John Coffield
Bylaws, Policies and District Resolutions: Craig Wallace
Circle K International: Chad Gardner
Leadership Development: Colton Morton
District Convention: Randy Beard and Dave Kuhn
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging: Marla Marsh & Monica Marsh
Finance and Structure: Bill Flinta
District Service Project: Hannah Riley
Key Club: Jeff Eble
Key Leader: Kelly and Brian Shaffer
Kiwanis Kids: Jennifer Lewis
Kiwanis Children’s Fund: Janet Molineaux
Membership: Jamie Kaufman
MidYear Education Day: Susan Black
On to International Convention: Eve Lazear
Partnership Coordinator: Hasani Wheat
Past District Governors: Dave Kuhn
Past District Treasurers: Steve Vrooman
Past Lt. Governors: Julia Martin
Public Relations: Cliff Wiltshire
Risk Management & Youth Protection: Ronald Hyre

District Chair Contact Form

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If you are interested in serving on a district committee, please complete the following form at any time. You may download a copy of the committee descriptions below. Thank you.

District Committee Interest

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District Committees*
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